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Experience flexible promotions

Manage and offer customized promotions and discounts to your customers. Boost sales by rewarding loyalty or encourage new visitors with discount restrictions and rules.

Easy to Manage

Create and edit new or existing discounts easily from the FuegoPOS Admin portal that can be used across multiple locations

Track Usage

See how discounts impact your business by viewing detailed reporting and usage history

Use Online

Broaden promotions by offering customers a coupon code that can be redeemed through your online ordering site

Customize Rules

Set availability dates, item exclusivity and other rules so your discounts are used correctly

Tailor discounts to fit your needs

Offer varying discount types that can be applied to specific items or to the order subtotal altogether to truly customize your promotion visions

Show appreciation to loyal customers by offering promotions to report their business

Define limitations that will be checked on the POS before applying the discount, like the number of times a discount can be used or the max number of items the discount can be applied to

BOGO just got easier where you can easily assign which items qualify and even set a cap on the discount amount that can be used to maximize your net profit

Boost your promotion functionality

Build one or multiple requirements and group to a discount to add functionality that works for you

Attract new customers with promotions that reward them for spending a certain amount to incentivize sales

Require manager approval for special discount offer from the POS to protect and secure revenue


123 W Chandler Heights Rd
Chandler, AZ 85248



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© 2024 by Fuego POS

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FuegoPOS is built for your business. Learn how our cloud-based software and reliable hardware can streamline your business and get you more orders than ever!

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